26 September 2008

Hooray for the Friday Fill-in

Here is this week's installment. Thanks for reading!

1. Early evenings spent toasty in the kitchen making casseroles and stews are some of the things I'm most looking forward to in October.

2. Sometimes I ignore the ringing telephone.

3. People are completely unpredictable, and that's why there is a saying, "never say never"!

4. When I'm down, I watch a sad movie so I can cry it all out; then, I feel much better.

5. Curled in a comfy chair reading a book is where you'll find me most often.

6. A rainy day is good for having a marathon picture book reading with my munchkin in my lap.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to reconnecting with my daughter (it’s been a busy week!), tomorrow my plans include following the day where it takes me and Sunday, I want to reorganize my schedule and my desk! I know, fascinating stuff, that.

19 September 2008

I can't believe...

...a whole week has gone by since my last post. And I had such good intentions! Well, here is another stab at the Friday Fill-in. Enjoy your weekend!

1. There is no need for violence. Violins, yes. Violence, no.

2. Where in the heck did the spider that was just on the wall above my head go?

3. Filling in these answers is all I managed to do.

4. Prospects for spending a lot of time writing this weekend are looking good.

5. Don’t forget to call your mother and tell her you love her…and your dad, too is the message.

6. Simplicity and tranquility are two essential qualities of a happy life.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to popcorn and a movie with my daughter, tomorrow my plans include staring longingly at the sunshine from my desk at work and Sunday, I want to have a picnic with family and friends. Yay autumn!

12 September 2008

Hard to keep up!

I thought I would be posting more often as the summer wound down only to find that the start of the school term was waiting in ambush! To make good on my intentions, I am taking time to post today. I was turned on to a fun little blogging activity called Friday Fill-Ins. As indicated by the title, a kind soul named Janet posts sentences for bloggers to fill in; here are my thoughts for the week:

1. I enjoy taking a walk during a warm morning rain shower.

2. Why many people I meet seem to spill their deepest secrets to me is something I wonder about often lately.

3. In your heart, you knew that security was not always an ingredient of happiness.

4. Take laughter, add a little love, and you end up with family.

5. Life has gifted me with a surplus of love, patience and things about which to be curious.

6. A well-prepared cup of coffee is an instant vacation.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to spending grown-up time with my husband, tomorrow my plans include taking the English-certification Praxis exam and Sunday, I want to catch up on pleasure reading!

Thank you, Janet, for the creative outlet!